Getting There

SJD is the closest airport at only 20 minutes away from a ton of beachside hotel options, including our Hotel Headquarters – the El Ganzo.

The El Ganzo is a 1 minute free boat ride away from the festival entrance, and other hotels along the beach will be less than 15 minutes away by Uber. You can book hotel El Ganzo exclusively though our link here:

Another option for arrival airport is CSL, if you want check on other flight options. CSL airport is about 45 minutes away from the festival and El Ganzo.

Planning Travel Dates:

We are hosting an immersive dinner experience available for those arriving on March 29th. The dinner will start at 8:30PM.  Details and tickets will be available in the coming weeks.

The main festival programming starts at 3:00pm March 30th and ends at 7PM on April 1st